Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is described as a normal state of focused attention where one feels very relaxed and calm. During hypnosis, the mind is more open to suggestion than usual. Hypnosis is a natural mental state. For example, children are often in a state of self-hypnosis when they are playing imaginary games. Actors, athletes and professionals often use it to improve their performance. As people are open to suggestion while in a hypnotic state, they can learn to change their thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and attitudes.
People can take these changes that happen during hypnosis and use them for self-improvement in their usual state of consciousness. For example, hypnosis can be used to help reduce anxiety, control pain, control the perception of discomfort during medical procedures, lessen discomfort of physical symptoms, and break bad habits.
As the workings of the mind are not completely understood, there are many mistaken beliefs about hypnosis. Allow me to straighten out a few misconceptions:
- Is a natural state.
- Can be used to heal.
- Can be used to give up bad habits.
- Can be used to improve one’s performance/confidence/productivity
The Possibilities are limitless!
At Evolve with Hypnotherapy, I have used Ericksonian hypnosis to heal psychological wounds and traumas for the past 26 years. Psychological wounds, even if not visible, affect us in the form of depression and other psychosomatic illnesses. With Hypnotherapy, I heal those fears, anxieties, stresses and other psychosomatic conditions and help people experience health, peace and happiness.
Hypnosis is an altered state of awareness but a very natural and normal state of consciousness. We all have experienced hypnosis at sometime or other during which the mind remains clear, alert and focused on some thing or on some feeling. Hypnosis simply bypasses the Critical/Conscious mind from the Unconscious mind so that one has access to one’s full mental capacity. The gateway to success in hypnosis is the Unconscious / Subconscious Mind. The Subconscious Mind not only holds information that is outside your consciousness, but also manages sensations, feelings, and body functions. As you were reading the sentences above, you probably were not aware of the sensation of your feet against the floor, or the way your body is aligned on your chair. You have sensations coming to your body all the time, but you are unaware of them most of the time. In addition to managing all these sensations, your Sub/Unconscious Mind keeps your heart beating and other bodily functions working, e.g. digestion, respiratory system, circulatory system, hair and nails growing etc. all without your conscious awareness. Your Sub/Unconscious Mind manages all of that with perfect precision (in a healthy mind-body continuum).
Now, psychologists, psychiatrists and scientists have begun to realise the full extent of the Mind/Body connection and there is evidence that our mental processes, mental states, and mental behaviours continuously affect all the cells in our body.
Hypnosis is a verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, one can create desired changes in behaviour and encourage mental and physical well being. It is valuable to anyone seeking to resolve specific problems. Of course you need to genuinely desire to resolve the specific problem and your consent is imperative. Ericksonian Hypnosis is a more respectful and courteous approach to hypnotherapy and makes possible the changes that the client desires. It is an indirect approach to hypnosis giving the client more control. The hypnotherapist acts merely as a catalyst to facilitate the client to achieve certain therapeutic outcomes himself/herself and not as someone with special powers.
In fact the therapist teaches the client how to achieve the trance state, stimulates the imagination and then makes the desired change through various methods. Importance is placed on the client’s ability to naturally experience hypnosis for oneself with the hypnotherapist’s guidance. When the client goes through a hypnotherapy session, the sensations upon “awaking” will be pleasant, refreshing and invigorating.