
Dr. Maria Pauline


Depression is a mental illness. It is not be confused with temporary emotional distress, anxiety attacks or feeling low even though these may be constituents of depression. Anyone can feel low for a brief period of time or have the occasional anxiety attack. That does not mean they are suffering from depression. When you have depression, it interferes with daily life and causes pain for both you and for those around you.


Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness. It is described as a normal state of focused attention where one feels very relaxed and calm. During hypnosis, the mind is more open to suggestion than usual. Hypnosis is a natural mental state. For example, children are often in a state of self-hypnosis when they are playing imaginary games. Actors, athletes and professionals often use it to improve their performance. As people are open to suggestion while in a hypnotic state, they can learn to change their thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and attitudes.

Hypnotherapy for Children

Hypnosis is a natural mental state and this state of hypnosis can be used for various positive outcomes. As people are open to suggestion while in a hypnotic state, they can learn to change their thoughts, feelings, behaviour, and attitudes. Actors, athletes, professionals … anyone from any walk of life can use this state to improve performance, to change habits, to overcome fears and phobias – the possibilities are limitless.

Individual Treatment

Individual treatment is often termed psychotherapy and is meant to help people with their emotional issues. The main aim of this form of therapy is to change the quality of life by defining the path of life clearly, and bringing in more clarity. Whether it is the problem of repressed childhood that you are facing, or an emotional breakdown due to divorce, failure or loss of a loved one, a professional psychologist can help you revive your mental health through systematic psychotherapeutic methods combined with hypnotherapy.

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Hypnosis are usually used in tandem. At Evolve With Hypnotherapy, I use NLP and Hypnosis in practically every session. NLP helps to handle the client’s painful emotions and memories with sensitivity and care; it integrates neurology, psychology, linguistics, cybernetics, and system theory. NLP is a great tool that assists in producing results with ease, keeping in mind the client’s comfort. Neuro Linguistic Programming comprises three distinct words: